Calliope’s Call will perform Oliver’s song The New Colossus (soprano, piano) in its Sounds of Unity program November 2-3. The piece sets Emma Lazarus iconic poem on the Statue of Liberty, which celebrates America’s place as a welcoming beacon of freedom for all. The concert features a selection of works with themes of social justice and equality for women, […]

10/26: Juventas Performs ‘Illuminated’ and ‘Big Deception’
Juventas’s will perform two of Oliver’s works at its October 26 program “Roots & Wings,” Illuminated by the Light of Two Ships Passing in the Night (violin, cello, piano) and The Big Deception (soprano, mezzo, cello, piano). The program presents works from Juventas’s early years paired with pieces by the same composers today. Commissioned by Juventas in 2009, Illuminated by the Light of […]

10/6: Juventas Performs in Montpelier, VT
This Sunday, Juventas hits the road, bringing “Emergence” to Montpelier, Vermont. The program pairs the music of three emerging composers with works by the luminaries who inspired them. Oliver’s piece In the Direction of Dreams (clarinet, cello, piano) will be performed alongside music by his former teacher Dalit Warshaw. The other composer-teacher pairs are Jonathan Bailey Holland and […]

“The most intimate and moving music of the evening.”
“The most intimate and moving music of the evening.” -Boston Music Intelligencer Today, the Boston Music Intelligencer published a review of Oliver’s new piece The Big Deception: “The Big Deception”, is a duet for mother and daughter about the turbulent rules affecting green card and visa applicants. Melissa Joseph portrayed (mostly) Irene Da Silva, who was […]

Hartwick College Residency
Hartwick College will host Oliver for a residency this coming week. On Friday, September 27, Oliver will talk at a 3:30pm Composer Roundtable in the Anderson Theater. At 7:30pm that evening, the Hartwick College Faculty Octet will perform his piece Krummholz Varations. Saturday, the Faculty Octet will studio record Krummholz Variations for a forthcoming album. And Thursday, October […]

“The Big Deception” at the Paramount Theater
Oliver’s art song “The Big Deception” is being performed at the Paramount Theatre. Friday night and Sunday afternoon. It will be featured in a set of songs on immigration, performed as a prelude to the word premiere of Jorge Sosa Ortega and Cerise Jacobs’ powerful new opera I Am a Dreamer Who No Longer Dreams. Commissioned by […]