Category Archives: Fundraisers

Crowdfunding Successful!
It’s official: More than 165 people have donated over $13,500 to lift Oliver’s second album You Are Not Alone from concept to reality and share his music with the world. The album will offer deeply personal chamber music on uplifting themes of community, love and transformation. Recording sessions are slated for February 2017. Click Here for to Support […]

Help Produce Oliver’s Second Album!
Join Oliver on his next big journey, the production of his second full-length album You Are Not Alone with long-time collaborator Juventas. The album will offer deeply personal chamber music on uplifting themes of transformation, love and community. It’s been almost five years since the release of Oliver’s debut album Illuminations; in that time, he has composed over three hours worth of new pieces. Oliver is making You […]
September 27: Harvest & Harmony
Please join Oliver for Harvest & Harmony, a fundraiser to support his music, hosted by Margie and Chris Brown at their home, the historic Pillar House in Lincoln, Massachusetts. The reception will include seasonal refreshments (some homemade by Oliver) and a special preview of my forthcoming EP recording Moon Over Appalachia, a 15-minute suite for solo cello. Sara Wilkins […]